Monday, April 5, 2010

April 2010 E-News

Quote of the Month

Spring is nature's way of saying, "Let's party!" ~ Robin Williams


Spring has sprung and thanks to you good people Neal and I have been on a very nice roll lately. Our performances have been great successes both artistically and at the box office in spite of the ongoing recession. We keep expanding our horizons as evidenced with a trip out to Pittsburgh, PA and Kent, Ohio this month and into Illinois this coming October. New playing opportunities keep popping up and we continue to get party inquiries which helps us stay afloat in these turbulent times. Miraculously, we turned 39 last month and if the fates allow we’ll have a brand new ATS studio album sometime in 2011 to celebrate our momentous 40th anniversary. Meanwhile, my John Lennon Imagined recording with dear friend Tom Dean of Devonsquare is in its final stages. We are shopping it now with hopes of it being available for JL’s 70th birthday on October 9, 2010. Please visit for a sneak preview and to sign up on our facebook page for updates.

Here’s a few more springtime quotes beginning with the greatest of them all:

Hope springs eternal. ~ Alexander Pope (from An Essay on Man, 1732)

The first day of spring is one thing but the first spring day is another. ~ Henry Van Dyke

In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt. ~ Margaret Atwood

First a howling blizzard woke us,
Then the rain came down to soak us,
And now before the eye can focus –
Crocus. ~ Lilja Rogers

Science has never drummed up quite as effective a tranquilizing agent as a sunny spring day. ~ W. Earl Hall

Spring is not the best of seasons.
Cold and flu are two good reasons;
Wind and rain and other sorrow,
Warm today and cold tomorrow. ~ Author Unknown

April is a promise that May is bound to keep. ~ Hal Borland

It's spring fever. That is what the name of it is. And when you've got it, you want - oh, you don't quite know what it is you do want, but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so! ~ Mark Twain

April prepares her green traffic light and the world thinks Go. ~ Christopher Morley

The first day of spring was once the time for taking the young virgins into the fields, there in dalliance to set an example in fertility for nature to follow. Now we just set the clocks an hour ahead and change the oil in the crankcase. ~ E.B. White

April hath put a spirit of youth in everything. ~ William Shakespeare

People ask me what I do in winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring. ~ Rogers Hornsby

Let’s Go Mets!


Unknown said...

You guys really killed it let me tell you...

If music were to die tomorrow? If the the amps, cables and boards were to come crashing down never to resonate a single tune again?!

Your music would stand the test of time.

After the Apocalypse it will play fondly in our minds. Our mental Wurlitzers singing late into the radiated evenings as we watch the radioactive glow ,of humanity lost, die down into a maddening hum on the distant horizon...

Joshua C.

boss50 said...


Great show ,hurdy gurdy.