Wednesday, October 1, 2008

October E-News Highlights

Fast times at D.C. High. I know it’s shameful and perverse but there’s a part of me that is delighting in the pending apocalypse. I’m referring NOT to the purported rapturous sky fairy apocalypse; rather to the fiscal apocalypse our nation is currently engulfed in as my meager 401(k) fritters away. Of course this couldn’t be worse timing for the average Joe (like me!) and the politicians whose jobs are also at stake with the November election at hand. Win, lose or draw, it’s heartening to see all the American colors across the great divide rising up, dialoging and demanding their representatives in Washington be held accountable. Democracy at its finest! Meanwhile, truth be known, much of my misguided enthusiasm is for its therapeutic renderings; diverting the pain of yet another colossal collapse by my beloved New York Mets. As much as I loved how Jerry Manuel guided the team with intelligence, humor and grace after the shameful (yet necessary) firing of Willie Randolph, and therefore would love to see Mr. Manuel return as the manager next season, it might be wiser for ownership to bring Dr. Henry Jay Heimlich in to manage (or better yet maneuver) the team until he can expurgate their propensity for choking down the stretch in the heat of a pennant race. OK, perhaps GM Minaya should bring in a few new relievers as well. Without my Mets involved, wouldn’t it be grand if the Chicago Cubs won the World Series on the 100th anniversary of their last championship? Let’s Go Cubbies! Postscript: Ok, how about Dodgers vs. Red Sox in the fall classic? It would be surreal to see Manny being Manny being managed by Torre in Fenway. Go Sox!

On a more serious note, the Daniel Pearl Foundation has invited us and thousands of musicians worldwide to participate this month in raising awareness for their cause.

“Daniel Pearl was a newspaper reporter and a violin player who traveled the world and used music to make friends in many countries. In 2002 he was murdered by terrorists while investigating a story in Pakistan. His family decided to carry on Danny’s work and use music to help people learn to respect each other and honor diversity. October 10 was Danny’s birthday…. This month, all over the world, musicians of all kinds are dedicating concerts to our shared belief that even though we may be of different races, religions or ethnic backgrounds, we can all work together to achieve a better, hate-free world for everyone.”

Perhaps we can embrace these sentiments not just for this month, but day in and day out for the rest of our lives. What better place to rededicate the practice of these principles than right here in our troubled and divided nation? We are honored to dedicate our October 2008 concerts to this courageous and noble man, Daniel Pearl.

A Fanciful Thought: our mailing list guru Chip Bemis has informed me that there are now over 2700 of you beautiful people on our mailing list. My heartfelt thanks go out to all of you for signing up and to those of you who ordered Stargazers, my kids of all ages CD from our website last month. BUT, if all 2700 of you ordered it now (or before the end of this holiday season) it would easily pay for its total cost and a national promotional campaign too.

Mr. Fowler, I am Marlee. We saw each other at the Heartland Concert this past Saturday night. I am 8 years old and I think your kid’s CD is great. I really like number 6. Thank you for the CD. Marlee Mullane

AND, if you could also order just one or two ATS CDs or DVDs between now and then, Neal and I could pay for and promote our LIVE Simon & Garfunkel Songbook CD featuring Pete Fornatale due out this November 1st.


Peace, Love and Harmony,
Rex & Neal

P.S. We have lots of open dates this coming December. How about hiring us for an ‘Almost
Apocalypse’ Holiday Party?


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